Memory, Prophecy and Fantasy Volume Two (imperfect)

Memory, Prophecy and Fantasy Volume Two (imperfect)
Dog Tales- volume two of the Memory, Prophecy and Fantasy series exploring the works and worlds of Clive Barker.
By Phil and Sarah Stokes, 2010
Hardback, limited to 250 numbered copies.
Important note - these remaining limited edition copies of MPF2 have a bumped corner, or minor flaw (see images) but are otherwise new.
1977 - 1981
Including almost 200 photographs, sketches and posters - the vast majority never before published and many in full colour - this volume covers:
Staged plays: The Sack, The Magician, Dog, Nightlives, The History of the Devil and Dangerous World.
Unstaged plays: The Ecstasy, The City and the Sea, An Atrocity, Damiens, The Revenge of the Body, The Deluge, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The Basilisk, A City, An Idiot's Delight, The Passion of Jesus Christ, The Double and The Comedy of Comedies.
Films: The Basilisk, The Forbidden.
“I sobbed my heart out because there were so many things in there that I hadn’t thought of before. Amazing. Breath-taking. And you have captured, or quoted, or found things I just would not have remembered in my life, you know? I think in some ways I was crying for a life that I’d forgotten. You know, my thoughts, and meanings: you are the keepers of those.”