Studio painting - London Ghost

Studio painting - London Ghost
Studio painting
Original painting by Clive Barker, signed (on reverse).
London Ghost, 18 x 24”
Mixed media on paper
Clive Barker: “London Ghost – I think that’s sort of explicable – you know I’ve been writing a lot about London because of these stories, and I think you can probably now talk about the fact that I’m doing these Theatre of Blood stories with Mick Garris. This is Clive Barker’s Theatre of Blood. It is ten new, utterly new, stories written in the tradition, if you will, of The Books of Blood, directly in that tradition. In other words, in my head even though we’re changing media I am thinking that these are ten more stories to become the seventh Book of Blood, if you will. And it was Mick’s idea to call it the Theatre of Blood, which I think is perfect.
"Two of them are set in London, and London has always been a city of ghosts and this, I think, is a nineteenth century ghost, judging by his top hat, and that’s all there is to say about him, I think. He doesn’t have a place in the narrative, per se, but he’s there.
"The background is actually ink droplets on water, and then I roughed in the figure itself, let it dry and then overdrew it with oil pastel. I think what’s interesting about London Ghost is how perversely bright the pinks are – they imply that outside that cold (I would suggest that figure is a cold figure), a happiness is going on that he has no access to.” Link to full interview with Clive.
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