Studio painting - Ruins

Studio painting - Ruins
Studio painting
Original painting by Clive Barker, signed (on reverse).
Ruins, 24 x 18”
Mixed media on paper, as published in Imaginer VIII
Note - additional sketch in marker pen on reverse
Clive Barker: “I love this. The city is based upon Stalingrad. 1942: the Germans go into Russia and they stop at Stalingrad, they can’t get any further. Winter is coming on and the German army is about to freeze to death; the Sixth Army is about to freeze to death, while destroying the city which is named for the premier of Russia, Stalin. That’s why Hitler actually had to take it down; he sort of destroyed his own army by seeking to destroy a city which was named for his enemy – and I’ve always found that very potent. It’s hubris of the most extraordinary kind. And so images of Stalingrad are things that I play with a lot – every time you see a ruined city it’s likely to either be something in the Mediterranean or Stalingrad, the opposite extreme to the warmth and sensuality of the Mediterranean. This is definitely a Stalingrad derivative. And it allows me to go back into one of the things that fascinates me so much: the Second World War has always fascinated me; it’s there at the beginning of The Damnation Game, even though it doesn’t last very long, and I want to write about it a lot more.” Link to Clive’s thoughts on each piece in current release.
Ships rolled, tracked and signed from the UK, with certification from The Clive Barker Archive for provenance.
Please note: studio paintings on paper can bear marks from use in a working studio - please see images for detail and contact us with any queries.
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